Incident Report

Process for Incident Reports

Step 1 - Tell a trusted adult what happened.

Step 2 -  If the situation was not resolved, communicate your concerns to administration by completing the incident report located above.

Step 3 -  Administration will review the report and follow-up with the student and the parents.

1. What is school bullying?

School bullying can be described as a situation in which one or more students (the ‘bullies’) single out a child (the ‘target) and engage in behaviors intended to harm that child. A bully will frequently target the same victim repeatedly over time. A child who bullies can dominate the victim because the bully possesses more power than the victim. Compared to his or her victim, for example, the bully may be physically stronger or more intelligent, have a larger circle of friends, or possess a higher social standing. Bullying can inflict physical harm, emotional distress, and / or social embarrassment or humiliation. For the behavior to be considered school bullying, it requires that the action be severe or pervasive and has a substantial disruption to the school environment.

2. What are the different types of bullying?

Bullying can be direct or indirect. When bullying takes a direct form, the bully confronts the victim face-to-face. Examples of direct bullying would include situations in which the target is verbally harassed or threatened, physically attacked (e.g., punched, kicked, pushed down), or socially embarrassed (e.g., taunted, refused a seat on the school bus).

In the case of indirect bullying, the bully attacks the victim’s social standing or reputation—usually when the victim is not around. A student is engaging in indirect bullying if he or she spreads malicious gossip or writes insulting graffiti about a classmate, or organizes a peer group to ostracize that classmate. Victims are at a particular disadvantage in indirect bullying because they may never discover the identity of the person or group responsible for the bullying. Cyberbulling (use of an electronic act to bully) includes social media, chat, emails, text messages, IMs, etc.

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